Staring into someone’s eyes often feels like staring into a tiny universe. I love how the iris provides a demarcation (the often dark line around the iris) that does not cut off space, but just limits our capacity to see any further. Giving the illusion (or maybe reality) that there is a whole world out there yet to be discovered.

Painting the iris gives me the opportunity to combine all the techniques I’ve developed throughout the years and challenges me to be as imaginative and bold as I can, trying out colour combinations and different forms of application. Opportunities seem manyfold, sometimes trying to keep as close to an actual iris I happen to come across, sometimes letting imagination run wild.

I can’t wait to hear about your experience with these pieces. If there is a certain colour combination you’d like to have as wall-art in your home dm and I will try to create a piece just for you. Prices are in the section below.


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