Intuitive art gallary
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This is me. Or at least this has been me these past couple of weeks. Watching, feeling, trying (trying!) not to judge. Connecting to the real me. Trying to feel without judgement, without strain. They seem to be two worlds apart, the me that existed before the summer (full on, pushy, never waisting a second, […]
The final result. A painting build organically, one element at the time. It represents, in all ways possible, the immens stress and anxiety I felt this summer; the structures I found within that mess; the messages I wrote myself to reduce the stress; the explanations I gave myself; and perhaps most importantly the renewed connection […]
When the corona crisis hit, I found myself devoid of all creativity. My mind was overflowing with worries about my work, my kids, the safety of friends and family. I did not loose the urge to draw, but I did loose my ability to create. In order to remedy the urge to paint I started […]
30 x 20 x 13 Memory box. Hand made and hand painted. More info here
30 x 20 x 13 hand made and hand painted memory box for all occasions.
I rarely paint something I am truly happy with but this bird kills it!! Acrylics on Canvas 120 x 80 €365,-
Peacock in white. 80×60 cm palette knife background on paper. €165,-
40 x 30 x 20 wooden box – acrylics For more information go to Memory boxes